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November 3, 2020 General Election
as of 08/05/2020

Birchard Public Library

1 mill renewal for current expenses ($0.10 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2021, first due 2022
All precincts (including Green Springs Village) EXCEPT Bellevue School District and Clyde – Green Springs School District

Sandusky County 911

0.3 mill renewal for purchase and maintenance of equipment & operational systems of the 911 system ($0.03 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2021, first due 2022
All precincts EXCEPT City of Bellevue & Green Springs Village

Green Springs Village

4.94 mills renewal for providing emergency medical services / fire protection ($0.494 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2020, first due 2021
Green Springs Village only

Madison Township

1 mill renewal for current expenses ($0.10 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2021, first due 2022
Madison Township, Gibsonburg A, Gibsonburg B

Townsend Township

1.5 mills renewal for providing fire protection ($0.15 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2020, first due 2021
Townsend Township only

Woodville Township

3 mills renewal for providing fire protection ($0.30 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2020, first due 2021
Woodville Township, Woodville A, Woodville B

Jackson Township

2 mills renewal for fire protection ($0.20 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2021, first due 2022
Jackson Township A, Jackson Township B, Helena (part)

Burgoon Village

11 mills renewal for current expenses ($1.10 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2020, first due 2021
Jackson B (Burgoon)

York Township

2 mills renewal for providing fire protection ($0.20 for each $100 of valuation)
Length of Levy:
5 yr., commencing 2021, first due 2022
York Twp. A, York Twp. B

Sandusky County Candidates / November 3, 2020 General Election
UPDATED 08/01/2020


26th District State Senate:

Rep – William F. Reineke, Jr.

Dem – Craig Swartz

88th District State Rep:

Rep - Gary N. Click

Dem – Chris Liebold

County Commissioner FTC: 01/02/21:

Rep – Scott Miller

Dem – Jim Sleek

County Commissioner FTC 01/03/21:

Rep – Charles Schwochow

Dem – Holly Elder

County Prosecutor FTC 01/04/21:

Rep – Beth A. Tischler

Clerk of Courts FTC 01/04/21:

Rep - Chris Schneider

Dem - Wendy Whittaker

Sheriff FTC 01/04/21:

Rep - Christopher J. Hilton

Recorder FTC 01/04/21:

Rep - Colleen Carmack

County Engineer FTC: 01/04/21:

Rep - Carlos A. Baez, Sr

County Coroner FTC: 01/04/21:

Dem - James M. Williams

County Treasurer FTC 09/06/21:

Rep - Kimberley S. Foreman

Dem – Jenny Freeh

Common Pleas Court Judge FTC: 01/01/21:

Rep – Jon Ickes

Dem - John Kolesar

Common Pleas Court Judge FTC: 02/10/21:

Dem – Jeremiah Ray

Probate /Juvenile Judge FTC 02/09/21:

Rep - Brad Smith