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Sandusky County Community Corrections

Sandusky County Community Corrections

Address: 2323 Countryside Drive Fremont, Ohio 43420

Telephone: (419) 898-6150

Fax: (419) 334-6104

Office Hours: 8:00AM to 4:30PM Monday-Friday

Email: [email protected] 

Duties & Responsibilities of the Sandusky County Community Corrections:

The Sandusky County Community Corrections Board, in cooperation with the Sheriff, Sandusky County Commissioners, and County/Municipal Courts developed the Sandusky County Community Work Program. The program began January 1999.

The purpose of CWP is to provide life, work, and educational skills to low level, non-violent, criminal offenders in a secure setting; to provide a forum for those criminal offenders to repay the community in a positive way through their community work; to reward those criminal offenders for positively participating; and to relieve some of the county jail occupancy pressures.

The Sandusky County Community Work Program is funded as a public service project with CDBG funds from Sandusky County. The CWP serves non-violent criminal offenders who meet the low to moderate income criteria. Work projects are done for departments of Sandusky County and other county entities such as cities, villages and townships.

During 2020 CWP participants performed 7,706.5 man hours of work for twenty-two (22) different organizations of Sandusky County. Projects ranged from trash pick up to light construction. Work projects are scheduled with the program coordinator.