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County Courts

Duties and Responsibilities:

The County Courts operate as a municipal court with the distinction of having jurisdiction in surrounding townships rather than a city limits boundary.

These courts handle misdemeanor criminal cases and traffic citations. Civil cases involving $15,000.00 or less and small claims cases involving $3,000.00 or less are heard in these courts also.

Local Rules for County Courts and Bond Schedule

CLYDE-Sandusky County

CLYDE-Sandusky County Courthouse         


Court District No. 1
847 E. McPherson Hwy.
Clyde, Ohio 43410

Telephone: (419) 547-0915

Fax: (419) 547-9198

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Probation Officer Telephone: (419) 547-3262

Elected Official:  Judge Cynthia A Welty

Website: County Courts  | Records Search

WOODVILLE-Sandusky County

WOODVILLE-Sandusky County Courthouse

Court District No. 2
P.O. Box 128, 215 W. Main St.
Woodville, Ohio 43469

Telephone: (419) 849-3961

Fax: (419) 849-3932

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Probation Officer Telephone: (419) 849-2026

Elected Official: Judge Cynthia A Welty

Website: County Courts  | Records Search