Sandusky County Commissioner's

With a heavy heart Sandusky County Commissioners are sad to announce the passing of past Commissioner Kay Reiter.
Kay was a strong-willed, compassionate, and independent woman who was full of energy and had a zest for life.
Throughout her life, Kay held many positions and her commitment to her community is second to none.
She will be missed greatly. Eternal peace Kay...
click here for obituary
Please allow this correspondence to serve as clarification that we are not pursing residential building code and/or residential building inspections. The Commissioners meeting minutes and agendas, which can be viewed on this page, will confirm that same and is not part of the Commissioners Board meeting discussions.
Commissioner’s questions call 419-334-6111 or email [email protected]
HR/employment and insurance call 419-334-6101 or email [email protected]
Billing or accounting call 419-334-6107 or email [email protected]

Address: 622 Croghan Street Fremont, Ohio 43420
Telephone: (419) 334-6100
Fax: (419) 334-6104
Office Hours: 7:30AM to 4:30PM Monday-Friday
Elected Officials: Russ Zimmerman, Scott Miller, Charles Schwochow
Email Addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Commissioners Corner - December 2024
The Board of County Commissioners serves as the Administrators for the entire County.
Included in their responsibilities is the formulation of a multi-million dollar budget, approval of all purchase vouchers, negotiation and approval of union contracts, pro active long term planning, and the day-to-day handling of a wide variety of County issues.
The Board also approves the County Road Program for the County Engineer. They advertise and take bids on all road, bridge, ditch and sewer projects. They are responsible for the maintenance on the inside and outside of the County buildings. They also hold hearings on all drainage ditch projects, annexations, establishing and vacating roads and many other projects.
Reviews are completed annually for budget requests including personnel, supplies and equipment and are reviewed and managed on a daily basis.
The Board of Sandusky County Commissioners consists of three members.
At the present they are as follows:
County Administrator: Theresa Garcia
Email Address: [email protected]
Effective March 23, 2023, Sandusky County Board of Commissioners will be recording their public sessions.
The recordings of the Public Session meeting shall not serve as the permanent record but the written
transcribed minutes shall be the permanent record.
Audio recordings will be retained only until after the minutes of the particular meeting have been adopted by
the Board and may be erased or destroyed at any time after minutes of the meetings to which the audio
recordings pertain are adopted by the Board, but not less than 30 days after the recording and shall be made
available as a public record request during this time period.
** A full copy of the policy can be found here and in the Commissioners Board Room
Commissioners meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00am for regular session
Public Conduct Policy – Persons who wish to address the Board of Commissioners regarding
any item on the agenda may be granted the privilege of the floor for a five minute period unless,
at the discretion of the Board President or other presiding person, circumstances dictate a longer
or shorter period of time. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any one member.
*A full copy of the policy can be found in the Commissioners Board Room or click here