Sandusky County Engineer

Address: 2500 West State Street Fremont, Ohio 43420
Telephone: (419) 334-9731
Fax: (419) 334-9733
Office Hours: 7:30AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday
Elected Official: Carlos A Baez Sr.
Email Address: [email protected]
Duties & Responsibilities of the Sandusky County Engineer:
"County Surveyor" was one of the original offices created by the first General Assembly when Ohio was admitted to the Union in 1803. In those early days the major function of the office was related to the clarification of land titles and governmental boundaries. Over the years, responsibilities shifted to road, bridge and ditch construction.
The office was made elective in 1831. The original term of office was three years. This was changed to four years in 1928. On August 30, 1935 the title of the office was changed to "County Engineer". Today only persons who hold certificates of Registration as both "Professional Engineer" and "Surveyor" qualify for the office of County Engineer.
The County Engineer is responsible for all maintenance, repair, widening, resurfacing, reconstruction and construction of pavements, culverts and bridges on County roads. This includes snow removal, mowing and sign maintenance.
The County Engineer is also responsible for all bridges on Township roads and bridges within municipalities which are on or on the extension of a State Highway or County road.
Other responsibilities include engineering advisor to Township Trustees for the maintenance and improvement of their road system and processing County Ditch Petitions.
In Sandusky County there are 297 miles of County roads and approximately 262 bridges for which the Engineer is responsible. The department has 22 employees and has an annual budget of approximately $4 million. Revenues are derived from fuel taxes, license fees and court fees.