In 2012 the Sandusky County Engineer’s Office in conjunction with this Board of County Commissioners studied the matter of the creation of a Sandusky County Transportation
Improvement District (SCTID) which shall include all the territory and political subdivisions within the boundaries of Sandusky County, Ohio, to participate in a cooperative county-wide
coalition to take advantage of the opportunities and benefits made available only through a Transportation Improvement District, to plan, construct and improve highways, roads,
bridges, interchanges and accompanying capital improvements and developments throughout Sandusky County, and to establish the SCTID relative thereto, pursuant to and in
compliance with section 5544.02 of the ORC, and,
The structure of the board of trustees of the SCTID shall be in accordance with the alternative board of trustees structure for a transportation improvement district described in ORC
section 5540.02(C) (2). The structure of the board of trustees of the SCTID will consist of the following members: five members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners; one
nonvoting member appointed by the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives of the general assembly and one nonvoting member appointed by the President of the Senate of the
general assembly.
Board members
Voting Members: (5 members only T.I.D. ORC requirements)
Bill Brown – Appointment Commissioners
Carlos Baez, Sandusky County Engineer – Appointment Commissioners
Beth Hannam, Sandusky County Engineer – Appointment Commissioners
Theresa Garcia, Sandusky County Administrator – Appointment Commissioners
Jerri Miller, Sandusky County Auditor – Appointment Commissioners
Non-Voting Members:
John Willey, Sandusky County Regional Planning - Appointment Ohio Senate
Bob Gross, City of Fremont Administration – Appointment House of Representatives
Russ Zimmerman, Sandusky County Commissioner – Commissioner Representative
Meetings for the Transportation Improvement Board are scheduled as needed